Celebrating 20 Years in 2020!

Words by Executive Director & Co-Founder Heather Sullivan

Welcome 2020!  

I don’t know about you but I am REALLY excited for 2020! 2019 felt like a powerful year of change and interesting events perhaps laying a lot of the framework for the potential of this new decade.  

And, well, I just love the whole 2020 thing…

photo credit: Patrick Bremser

So check out 20 Exciting Things in 2020 for Balanced Rock!

  1. 20 Year Anniversary  Balanced Rock is celebrating the 20th year since our very first trip (as Wild Women Workshops)! We’ve come a long way, baby!
  2. Rad Staff: Title Changes and New Faces  We have an incredible team moving into 2020 infusing both veteran wisdom and creative new energy:  Heather Sullivan as Executive Director, Deana Barone as Office Manager, Meaghan Olsen as Operations Manager, and Heather Bromberg as Program Support. We really looking forward to what this team can accomplish and provide to participants. For staff bios, visit our Staff & Instructors page!
  3. Nancy Aronie to lead Reunion Weekend Retreat in June 2020  Nancy was on the very first WWW trip in 2000 and will be returning to celebrate the 20-year milestone of our first transformational trip, which was in honor of Joie Ruth Armstrong.  Learn more about Nancy:  chilmarkwritingworkshop.com
  4. Nat Kendall’s New Offering:  Join us in March for Balanced Heart // The Yogi's Path with Nat Kendall. Nat joined us in 2019 for Yoga Jambalaya and the community loved his offerings. We are excited to have him back! Learn more about Nat: natkendall.com  
  5. Yosemite Yoga is the new tag-line for Balanced Rock though we still offer many types of wellness practices and guided journeys, hikes and backpacks in wilderness and wild places.
  6. Two Courses at Esalen Institute  We are honored and excited to bring Balanced Rock’s curriculum to Big Sur and the esteemed Esalen Institute. I will be instructing a course in April and in December with special guests. The April trip will have a hiking/yoga focus and the December trip will have a yoga/journaling/and seasonal self-care focus.  See the Esalen Course listing for details.
  7. AutoCamp Partnership  BR will be celebrating a 1-year anniversary in June 2020 working with our friends at AutoCamp Yosemite to provide yoga to their guests twice a week and for custom offerings.  Check them out: autocamp.com
  8. Mammoth Yoga Festival  Balanced Rock will be attending the Mammoth Yoga Festival again this June offering free community yoga.   Check out this cool yoga festival happening in the Sierra Nevada: mammothyogafestival.com
  9. Finding Balance and Breath in Yosemite  BR will partner with Yosemite Mountaineering School to offer two of our favorite activities that really go hand in hand...climbing and yoga! Register for this upcoming retreat here.
  10. 20 Year Celebration in October  Come party with us! Our amazing Board of Directors and Staff are currently planning a 20th Anniversary shindig in October. Stay tuned to our social media channels for more info! IG: @balancedrock | FB: Balanced Rock Foundation
  11. Co-Founders to Instruct 5-Day Yoga Immersion in November  Balanced Rock’s Co-Founders Heather Sullivan and Eliza Kerr will be joining forces for the first time to lead a 5-Day Yoga Immersion in 2020. This is an experience not to miss!
  12. Yoga Tune-Up  This new half-day workshop will be in early December with the intention to tune up your yoga practice and create a realistic routine to move into the shorter days and longer nights of the holiday season. I am really excited to offer this as I feel I often need this before the Solstice season! Registration is open on our website!
  13.  Custom Trips We have some really great custom trips on the books with groups and partners like Rhodes Scholars, Julia Clarke,  AutoCamp, and more. If you are looking for a completely customized retreat with Balanced Rock…let us know as we are filling up!
  14. Restorative Yoga Training with Julia Clarke  Julia just released her first book: Restorative Yoga for Beginners and will be coming to Balanced Rock in the Yosemite area in April to teach a weekend Restorative Yoga Training. Check out Julia: juliaclarkeyoga.com
  15. Complete our 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training  including exciting stand-alone modules such as Yoga and Ayurveda Intensive and Adjusting and Hands-On Assisting.  
  16.  Kid’s Yoga & Mindfulness Program  Balanced Rock will offer weekly yoga and mindfulness classes at the El Portal Elementary School for 79 students and 6 faculty.
  17. Community Yoga Benchmark  In 2020, we will have served over 2000 individuals in our Community Yoga Program which offers free bi-weekly yoga classes to locals and visitor in Yosemite Valley and El Portal. Woohoo! What a powerful Sangha.
  18. Free Outreach Programs In 2020 we will serve over 700 people in free outreach/yoga classes at events such as Yosemite Medical Symposium, Localizing CA Waters Conference, Yosemite Facelift and trainings for NPS and Park Partners.   
  19. New Venue  Fingers crossed we will have access to a new venue in 2020!  
  20. Planning 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training for 2021  We will be putting together logistics and curriculum for our next 300-hr YTT. Stay tuned!

And if you feel inspired, here is a journal prompt: 

Write about 20 things you are excited for in 2020.

Here’s to a powerful start in 2020!

With love and gratitude,

Heather Sullivan


Practicing Love through Self-Care: Reflections from Balanced Rock's Yoga & Ayurveda Weekend


Expressing Gratitude: Participant Testimonials from our Summer Retreats