Foundations of Yoga with Arin Trook

Explore the roots of yoga practice and theory in this unique three-part yoga series.

Foundations One: Breath

Wednesday, December 8th, 6:00-7:15

  • Yoga and breathing (yogic breath, pranayama)
  • Standing postures (Tadasana, Eagle, Uttkatasana)
  • Brief history of yoga: Patanjali to Lululemon

Foundations Two: Balance

Monday, December 13th, 5:45-7:00

  • Balancing postures (arm balances, inversions)
  • Types of yoga (Hatha, Bhakti, Karma)

Foundations Three: Bandhas and beyond

Monday, December 20th, 5:45-7:00

  • Hips and Heart (backbends/chest-openers)
  • Introduction to bandhas (energetic locks)
  • Developing a home practice: taking yoga off the mat

These are all-levels classes, and appropriate and engaging for beginning to advanced students. Optional handouts and “homework assignments” are available, with a focus on developing your own home practice. You are welcome to drop-in to any of the three classes, although you are encouraged to attend all three for consistent progression.This is a great opportunity to explore or return to the foundations of your practice, work towards developing a regular practice of your own, and learning to take your yoga off the mat and into other aspects of your life. We will begin with the basics of all yoga practice—correct breathing and anatomical alignment, moving into the playful and creative edge of inversions and arm balances, as well as exploring the subtle body aspects of prana and bandhas.


Yosemite Green Living Forum


December 2010 El Portal Community Yoga Schedule