Embodying the 5-Elements
Insights & Reflections by Paula Wild
This past March, we gathered during the Spring Equinox in the foothills of Yosemite National Park to learn from and engage with the five elements and their fascinating interplay within our bodies, minds, hearts, and natural environments.
I want to share some of the seeds that our group planted as potential points of reflection for you, and as opportunities for anyone to tap into this potent alliance with the five elements.
We explored a particularly potent exercise where first we named a sampling of activities that associates with each element. Next, we connected each element to its corresponding sensory organ (jnanendriya) as a method to practice noticing how naturally embodied this information can be for us. I hope this inspires you in your practices and explorations!
“The five elements can offer us a fresh new lens through which to examine our daily lives, mental and physical wellbeing, environmental conditions, and how all of these intersect in an intricate dance moment to moment.”
A few examples of how we engaged with specific elements during Balanced Rock’s WildYoga Teacher Training…
• We ate food together and had conversations that felt safe and were grounding; both of which are related to the earth element.
• We practiced yoga on the banks of the Merced River and soaked in the cleansing waters of the Yosemite Bug’s oxygenated hot tub.
• We activated the fire element in a fun handstand workshop, and further tapped into it throughout the training anytime we focused in on a topic with precision.
• We brought our conscious attention to our breath countless times, and we regularly tuned into the sensations of the breeze on our skin, honoring the air element.
• We shared silence and the sound of mantra connecting us to the space or ether element.
Fred Pompermayer
Each of the five elements, or pancha mahabhutas, is associated with a sense faculty. We delighted in observing these associations, and I can offer the following observations from our Springtime immersion:
Smells ~ Earth ~ Prithivi
The verdant new leaves, petrichor – the aroma of the soil after a light rain, sesame oil, and turmeric…
Tastes ~ Water ~ Apas
The ghee in the community dinner, Tulsi tea made by my colleague, the clear, neutral flavor of the water from Fern Spring in Yosemite Valley…
Sights ~ Fire ~ Agni
Water flowing, flowers blooming, yogis smiling and inquiring, the depth of savasana darkness…
Sounds ~ Air ~ Vayu
Our voices chanting aum together, the roaring hum of the river, wind in the trees, belly laughs…
Sensations ~ Space/Ether ~ Akasha
Breeze on my skin, sun on my face, fluidity in my hip joint, warm heart, freedom through the sacrum, feet on the earth…
My sincere hope is that you take opportunities daily to connect with the five elements, and that this practice of connection nourishes you deeply.
I welcome you to use any of the material here as food for thought or conversation, journal prompts, and ideas for further exploration.
Indeed, the five elements can offer us a fresh new lens through which to examine our daily lives, mental and physical wellbeing, environmental conditions, and how all of these intersect in an intricate dance moment to moment.
We’ll be diving more deeply into this topic with the help of the science of Ayurveda this June! Join us for Cultivating Personal Practice: Yoga & Ayurveda over Summer Solstice in Yosemite.
Paula Wild co-facilitated our March Immersive Retreat: Yoga & The 5-Elements as a part of our 2024 WildYoga Teacher Training program with Heather Sullivan (pictured here together: Heather on the left, Paula on the right).
Paula serves as the Program Manager and a Lead Trainer for all WildYoga Advanced Studies Program. Read her full bio here.