Clara Baena

Hatha Yoga en Español

Saturday, November 2 • 3:30pm - 4:45pm

Exploraremos los aspectos fundamentales del Hatha Yoga. Comenzaremos con un suave calentamiento para preparar tanto el cuerpo como la mente para la sesión. Nos enfocaremos en técnicas de respiración (pranayama) que nos ayudarán a conectarnos con nuestro interior y a mantener un flujo constante de energía, mientras exploramos una serie de posturas de yoga diseñadas para fortalecer y estirar el cuerpo.  

Finalmente, culminaremos en savasana, permitiendo que el cuerpo y la mente absorban los beneficios de la práctica, alcanzando un estado de profunda calma y bienestar.

In this Hatha Yoga session, we will explore the fundamental aspects of this traditional practice. We will begin with a gentle warm-up to prepare both body and mind for the session. We will focus on breathing techniques (pranayama) that will help us connect with our inner self and maintain a steady flow of energy, all while exploring a series of yoga poses designed to strengthen and stretch the body.

Ending the class in savasana, we will allow the body and mind to absorb the benefits of the practice, reaching a state of deep calm and well-being.

What Participants Should Bring to the Workshop

  • A yoga mat

  • A refillable water bottle


I am currently living and applying everything I have learned from yoga over the past 17 years in my daily life and routine. As a yoga instructor at Pure Training Studio, I integrate those principles into my daily life and also share them with my students at Mariposa High School, where I teach Spanish.

I strive to instill values of trust, gratitude, and acceptance in my students, encouraging them to embrace these principles in their lives and interactions with others.


Janaki Patel


Breezy Jackson